The Home Run Moment
by Chris
What follows will likely be attacked, dismissed, and/or manipulated by those who have no faith in the invisible manifestations in the world. But, I can guarantee, much like cell phone data travels imperceptibly, so too does a certain energy that manifests itself in home runs. I tenderly and reverently refer to said energy as The Home Run Moment.
It all started when I hit a Marlins game with my nephew. My nephew had -- a month or so prior -- set me up for Marlins ESPN alertz on my cell. Essentially, I would get a pop up on my phone every time a Marlins game started or ended as well as when any run (…or home run…) was scored.
What was funny is that -- being at the game -- I witnessed the live action and then the ESPN alert would pop up shortly after. I decided to time the lapse between the two. As it turns out, those ESPN alertz lag behind the runz scored by about 2 minutez.
Okay, so that was that. But in the next dayz I got to wondering. Is it possible that throughout America on any given night, that more than one home run was hit simultaneously? Meaning, in Texas and in California, two pro batters take the plate, swing, and the bat crackz at precisely the same second?
The Revelation
I went into my ESPN alert section on my phone and set up alertz for every major league baseball team. Now, this was a few years ago, but the revelation is eternal as you will see. And, of course, I encourage one and all to replicate my experiment and continue this research.
So, as it were, I was alerted any time a run (…or home run…) was scored in major league baseball in America (...and possibly Canada...) for an entire 30-day cycle in the one MLB season.
This means that the actual crack of the bat was approximately two minutez before each alert. In the first night, I was amazed. I received three alertz within a minute of each other whereby a home run was hit in Atlanta, Tampa, and Miami. It is conceivable that, in real time, these hitterz cracked the bat in the exact same second -- certainly within a minute of each other, directly up the eastern U.S. longitudinal line.
The Math
Calculating in for wind resistance, particular speed, and size of park, it takes a typical home run ball approximately 4 to 6 seconds to leave the park. So, it is more than theory to suggest that even if all the balls did not strike the bats at exactly the same time, they could likely have all been in the air simultaneously. I call this phenomenon The Home Run Moment.
I could take up a foot of copy space here detailing every single cluster in the month I observed, but let me just say that it is indeed a very rare event to see a home run hit in isolation. While runs obviously come in continuously throughout any given day or night, a solitary isolated home run happened maybe five timez -- tops!
For the sake of specificz, here’s a few Home Run Moments that I recorded from one night after realizing the phenomenon. The frequency is typical.
The Global Score Sheet
One Night
7:25 p.m.
Washington homers against Philadelphia
Atlanta homers against Miami
9:02 p.m.
Baltimore homers against Toronto
Houston homers against St. Louis
9:48 p.m.
Baltimore homers against Toronto
Colorado homers against Chicago
11:12 and 11:22 p.m.
Seattle homers against Los Angeles
Cleveland homers against Chicago
Characteristics Of The Cluster
Notice that the last cluster happens within ten minutes of each other. This seems to be the outer bounds of the cluster phenomenon. For example:
One Moment
6:50, 6:53, and 6:55 p.m.
Oakland homers against Seattle
Tampa homers against Chicago
Minnesota homers against Detroit
There was one cluster of four home runz on a particular night from 7:55 to 8:02 p.m. While this may have happened a couple other times, one of the four home runz typically comes from the same game. Meaning, a rally is on somewhere in America. However, an isolated home run and a cluster of four are similarly rare.
Through my careful observation, I would say that 90 percent of home runz happened within a cluster of two or three.
What Does It All Mean?
I believe there is a phenomenon called The Home Run Moment, whereby there is some force and/or pulse and/or spirit that sweeps across, through, or into our world. While the chicken parts, crucifixes, and/or other items of superstition or religion set up in the players’ locker rooms may be futile, there may be something very real that each of them prays to -- The Home Run Moment.
It may be possible that because time and orbit are circular, the pulse sweeps across America and the 'lapses'’ witnessed between home runs is the inherent character of The Home Run Moment.
MIT graduate and tenure scientist Jeffrey J. McGuire studied the seismic activity before the 1994 Romanche Transform in the Mid-Atlantic. McGuire (1996) writes: "The data presented here indicate that the slow precursor to the Romanche Transform earthquake grew for at least 100 seconds before it triggered a fast rupture, and the total moment released during the slow event was comparable to that of the main shock."
McGuire’s research relies heavily on new technologiez invented in the past 25 years. I postulate that, with the proper equipment and scientific aptitude, it may be possible to document and predict The Home Run Moment. Further, The Home Run Moment may be applicable to other endeavors, which would make the value in understanding its behavior even more precious. For example, in the off-season or when no games are being played, maybe The Home Run Moment can affect traffic in our cities, the way meat cooks on a grill, or orgasm.
We may need to cut some MLB salariez to fund the research, but I'm sure it will be worth it :))